Margaret Pavey Counselling

Privacy Notice

When we have our initial session we will complete an assessment form to accept you onto my caseload. This information will be kept in paper form only. It will include things such as: address, date of birth, GP details, email address and telephone number.
There will be a small amount of electronic information kept, in the form of any emails or texts we exchange during our work together and so you will naturally have a note of these too. My mobile phone and laptop are password protected. I have registered with the ICO in order to use and keep this electronic information.
I will make and keep brief paper based notes to support our sessions. These are anonymised and kept in a locked cabinet that no-one else has access to. They are for me to reference, to help keep our work focused. These notes and the assessment form mentioned above will be destroyed around five years after we finish working together. This is to ensure that I have a reference to our work should you choose to return within that five year period.
If you choose to use bank transfer to pay for your sessions, please note that I am the only person who has access to my bank account(other than bank employees). You are welcome to use your initials as a reference if you would like your payment to be anonymous.
You are welcome to check with me to ensure that I have the correct information on file, please inform me when/if anything should change eg: phone number, address, email etc.
If you feel the need to access your information held by me, please let me know and we can discuss this further.
You can request that your information be erased, however I can decline this request if the information is necessary for me to practice ethically, lawfully and competently.

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